Operation Nightwatch

Operation Nightwatch reduces the impact of poverty and homelessness, in keeping with Jesus’ teaching to love our neighbors.

Operation Nightwatch

Imagine no tents
No litter
No people alone under a bridge
No seniors without homes
Because there are friends, housing, health care, treatment for all.

At Nightwatch, we believe all this is possible,
Not simply because we imagine it,
But because God loves us all.

Link to Give page


Whether you give financially, or provide us with the supplies we need to show love to our neighbors, it all matters.

Link to Volunteer page


Volunteering at Nightwatch will change you in ways you cannot imagine.

Link to Engage page


Your care for homeless people starts by just saying “Hello.”

Get more info about volunteering

Volunteer Orientation

Here’s your chance to come look around, hear in greater detail about the various volunteer opportunities, and find your perfect fit.

Get more info about Sock It to Homelessness

Sock It to Homelessness

Thank you for your generosity at our annual sock drive! The need for socks continues, so we collect them all year long. It’s not too late to join in!

Get more info about Nightwatch News

Nightwatch News

We publish a monthly newsletter – the stories are short and to the point, the sort of stories you would share with friends, stories of survival, failure and redemption.

Latest Stories
September 6, 2019
Photo of homeless man smiling
August 19, 2019